Sports Collectibles Items

Product photography of sports collectibles to be published on the store’s Instagram.

About the client

Afizionados is a go-to destination for sports enthusiasts and collectors alike. Afizionados offers a wide range of genuine sports collectibles that cater to the diverse interests of its customers. They have an extensive selection of memorabilia, jerseys, signed merchandise, and more.

The project

The main objective of the project was to present the products through photography in a way that would highlight their authenticity and high quality. In order to achieve this, the emphasis was placed on capturing not only the overall products but also paying close attention to the details such as logos or signs that serve as a testament to their authenticity and craftsmanship. By showcasing these small details, the project aimed to engage the viewers and provide them with a comprehensive look at the products.

The result was a collection of high-quality photos that is being used on their Instagram page.