Life as a Business Analyst

Introducing the Business Analyst Position at Port Cities.

About the client

Port Cities is a leading Odoo implementation partner across the world, with branches in Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Australia, Singapore, Mexico, Japan, the United Kingdom, France, Spain, Slovakia, New Caledonia & Czechia.

The project

Working closely with the Port Cities team throughout the entire process, we began the project by gathering their ideas and objectives for the video. Our focus was on determining the key information they wanted to communicate to potential candidates for this position. We prepared the interview questions, reviewed them with all stakeholders, and then proceeded to the actual shoot. Over the course of a few hours, we recorded the interview and also captured additional shots required for the final video.

Through our efforts and close cooperation with Port Cities, we were able to create a documentary-style video featuring a business analyst, where she describes her day-to-day activities, highlights the benefits of working as a business analyst, and shares her thoughts on working at Port Cities.